Extending the reach of premium healthcare services in India

A documentary showcasing the inherent problem with health infrastructure in rural India and a proposed solution to solve the issue.

Current Healthcare Scenario

Inequity in healthcare workforce across rural and urban India

Only 34% of doctors and 33% of nurses in India serve the rural areas which account for 68-71% of India's population. [1, 2]

Uneven distribution of healthcare infrastructure

75% of the healthcare infrastructure is concentrated in urban areas which comprises only 27% of the total Indian population. [3]


Telemaster: Telehealth Kiosk with integrated bio-chemistry lab, cloud hardware interface and video conferencing for consultation

  • Using teleconsultation and cloud-based technologies to disseminate quality healthcare services to every corner of India.
  • A pre-emptive initiative to resolve the immediate imbalance between rural and urban India, while the country builds the appropriate infrastructure gradually.

  • Salient Features

    • Large TFT touch screen color display
    • Video consultation
    • Electronic Health Record
    • Secure patient and clinic information management Secure patient and clinic information management
    • Secured cloud connect
    • Wi-Fi connectivity for data transmission
    • Built-in thermal graphical printer

Model specific features

Blood Pressure

Provides accurate information about hypo and hypertension

Pulse Oximeter

Quick and reliable determination of oxygen percentage in red blood cells


Automatically calculates BMI to determine obesity

Body Temperature

Non contact digital thermometer IR sensor for accurate body temperature measurement

Weight sensor

Measurement of body weight for monitoring body fat or muscle mass changes

Height sensor/h5>

Fast and automatic ultrasonic height measurement

Rapid test

Strip based test to diagnose routine diagnosis

Glucose meter

Quick and accurate diagnosis of blood sugar levels from a single drop of blood

Haemoglobin meter

Simple reliable test measures haemoglobin in the blood

Digital Stethoscope

Provides faster diagnostic results and produce clearer audio for analysis

12 lead ECG

Measures the heart rate and rhythm to detect heart disease or abnormal heart rhythms


Simple test to examine and diagnose skin lesions and diseases


Simple ear examination of ear canal and ear drum


Easy user interface for vision screening

In the News
