
E-AVISHKAR : Innovation in Medtech & Telehealth for Making Healthcare Affordable

ISSN No : 2582-8231

Author Guidelines

Author guidelines for manuscript submission can be found here

MS Word Template for manuscript submission can be found here

Journal Ethics Policy Journal Review Policy Journal Plagiarism Policy

Journal Ethics Policy

E-Avishkar research journal is committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. Ethical guidelines for publication in E-Avishkar journal refer to behavior of all three key parties involved in the act of publishing: key, i.e., the author, the reviewer, and the publisher are all persons involved in the publication process. Thus, the author, the peer-reviewer, and the journal editor are expected to meet ethical standards at all stages from submission to the publication of an article. These ethical guidelines are adapted from those of Elsevier and Cambridge publishers.

Responsibility of Author/s

» Authorship of the paper should be restricted to those who have made a major contribution to the study's conception, design, implementation, or interpretation.
» Originality and plagiarism: The authors should make sure that their works are fully original, and that any work or words borrowed from others have been properly cited or quoted.
» Authors may be required to contribute raw data in connection with a publication for editorial review, and they should be willing to make that data publicly available, if required.
» Multiple, redundant, or contemporaneous publishing: In general, an author should not submit submissions detailing the same study in more than one journal or primary publication.
E-Avishkar journal does not consider publication in the form of an abstract, publishing as an academic thesis, or publication as an electronic preprint to be previous publication.
» Acknowledgement of sources: All sources should be properly acknowledged.
» Conflicts of interest and disclosure: All submissions must include a statement of conflict of interest.
» Dangers/hazards and human or animal subjects: If the work involves substances, processes, or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their usage, or if it involves the use of animal or human subjects, statements of compliance are necessary.
» Using patient photos or case details: Studies involving patients or volunteers require ethics committee approval and informed consent, both of which must be documented.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

» To contribute to the decision-making process, and to assist in improving the quality of the published paper by reviewing the manuscript objectively, in a timely manner.
» To maintain the confidentiality of any information supplied by the editor or author.
» To alert the editor to any published or submitted content that is substantially similar to that under review.
» To be aware of any potential conflicts of interest, and to alert the editor to these, if necessary withdrawing their services for that manuscript.

Responsibilities of Editors

» Publication Decisions: The editor is in charge of determining which of the submitted papers should be published in the journal. Editorial choices/decisions must be fair and unbiased.
» Confidentiality: The editor must not reveal any information about a submitted article to anybody except the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial consultants, and, if appropriate, the publisher.
» Disclosure of conflict of interest: Unpublished materials provided in a submitted manuscript must not be used in an editor's personal research without the written permission of the author.
» Editors should abstain from examining manuscripts in which they have a financial stake.
» Editors should ask a co-editor instead to review and consider the manuscript.

Journal Ethics Policy Journal Review Policy Journal Plagiarism Policy

Journal Review Policy

Peer Review Process

In order to ensure high quality and valid research, critical assessment by peers is essential for maintaining quality of published research. Each submitted manuscript to the E-Avishkar journal will be evaluated by two independent reviewers. The final editorial decision on whether to accept or reject the manuscript for publication will be based on feedback by peer reviewers. At least two qualified reviewers will evaluate a submitted manuscript before final decision by editorial board. The process for peer review is as follows:

i. The Chief Editor assigns manuscripts to editor depending on the area.
ii. The journal editor invites reviewers who are experts in that relevant subject to review the manuscript.
iii. Reviewers give feedback considering various factors like novelty, presentation, relevance, etc. Feedback from reviewers helps authors to improve their manuscripts and resolve errors.
iv. The evaluation by reviewers is used as input to form editorial decision on whether to accept or reject the article.
E-Avishkar journal follows single-blind review process wherein the names of the reviewers are not shared with the author but the reviewers are aware of the author’s identity.

Criteria for Peer Review

The main criteria to be evaluated during peer review are:

» Relevance: Is the scope of the manuscript aligned with the journal aims?
» Novelty: Is this manuscript distinct from earlier publications?
» Validity: Is the study properly designed and implemented?
» Correctness: Are the data analysed and interpreted correctly?
» Presentation: Is the manuscript written clearly, concisely, and logically?
» Significance: Does the manuscript make a significant contribution to the research area?
After peer review, the editor will consider feedback from the reviewers and then make a decision about the article. The decision letter is delivered to the author via email. There are four types of decisions: Accept, Accept with Minor Modification, Accept with Major Modification, and Reject.

Authors of accepted manuscripts are asked to providing final manuscripts and sign copyright agreement.

Accept with Minor Modification
Authors are asked to modify manuscript as per reviewer comments and submit a revised version for further consideration. These modifications may relate to some rewriting and formatting changes. Authors have to provide a point-by-point response for each reviewer comment in the revised manuscript.

Accept with Major Modification
Authors are asked to modify manuscript as per reviewer comments and submit a revised version for further consideration. These modifications are typically wider in scope and may involve some additional study or results to be reported. Authors have to provide a point-by-point response for each reviewer comment in the revised manuscript. The manuscript is again sent to original reviewer to ensure that desired changes are satisfactory.

A reject decision implies that the article is found to be unsuitable to the journal due to not satisfying the criteria for acceptance during peer review.

Reviewer Guidelines

The editor will invite potential reviewers depending on their field of expertise. You should accept to undertake a review if you have no conflict of interest, possess sufficient expertise and time available to complete an unbiased, informed and timely review. The common guidelines for reviewers of E-Avishkar are as follows:

» Be critical and unbiased. A critical evaluation will help improve the quality of the manuscript.
» Be professional and helpful. Give constructive suggestions and point the authors to additional resources if required.
» Use the template provided for review. Any other observations can be given in the Comments section.
» Always give sufficient reasons for your recommendation. List all your major and minor observations.

"The template for Peer Review Evaluation can be found below"
Journal Ethics Policy Journal Review Policy Journal Plagiarism Policy

Journal Plagiarism Policy

E-Avishkar research journal adheres to the highest standards with regard to research integrity and, in particular, the avoidance of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. All authors, before they submit a manuscript, must carefully read the guidelines for E-Avishkar journal publication.
Specifically, authors need to certify that the manuscript contains no element of data fabrication, data falsification or plagiarism (including unacknowledged self-plagiarism). All sources need to be explicitly cited following the journal template.

What constitutes Plagiarism?

Plagiarism occurs when an author tries to pass off another person's work as his or her own as one's own thoughts, words, and other creative expressions It represents a copyright infringement. Plagiarism can take several forms:

i. Copying and pasting the exact material from another source, It implies using parts of another author's paper on intentionally.

ii. Copying or purposefully using sentences from another author's paper without citing the source, such as figures, tables, equations, or pictures that are not well known.

iii. Using text taken from the internet as a starting point.

iv. Without attribution/ references, copying or downloading figures, images, illustrations, or schematics.

v. When submitting a publication that was first published in another language, the authors must identify the title, date, and journal of the original publication, as well as obtain copyright. Such submissions may be accepted by the editor. a publication that has been translated to bring it to a wider audience a larger audience's attention.

vi. If an author wants to use material from another work, they must cite it in their paper. Self Plagiarism refers to duplicate publication that occurs when an author reuses significant portions of his or her own previously published work without providing the necessary attribution/references. The content of articles published is held to be the responsibility of all authors, both individually and collectively.

As a result, it is each author's responsibility to guarantee that the articles submitted meet the highest ethical standards in terms of plagiarism.

Process for Plagiarism Checking

If plagiarism is identified by an E-Avishkar editorial board member, reviewer, editor, or other member of the editorial team at any point throughout the article publication process, the author(s) will be notified and asked to alter the text or cite the sources. If more than 20% of the paper is plagiarised, the piece will be rejected, and the author will be contacted. After submission and before beginning review, all submissions for publication are screened for plagiarism. If you submit a manuscript to the E-Avishkar journal, it means it's an original work that hasn't been published before and isn't being considered by anybody else. All the papers submitted have to pass through an initial screening and will be checked through the Advanced Plagiarism Detection Software.
In case any incident of plagiarism is detected after publication of the manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief will process the case. Complainants shall bring cases of suspected author misconduct to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief with complete details and supporting evidence. The Editor-in-Chief shall review all evidence and make a preliminary judgment regarding the claim. It is required that the authors be contacted and provided an opportunity to rebut the charge. If necessary, Editor-in-Chief may constitute an expert panel for further investigation.

When plagiarism is discovered/detected, the following actions can be taken:

» Immediate rejection of the manuscript, if plagiarism is more than 40%.
» If plagiarism is less than 40%, authors will be given a chance to reduce the plagiarism. Maximum permitted similarity is 20%.
If an author submits a manuscript to E-Avishkar having similarity with a manuscript submitted to another journal at the same time with a significant overlap, and this overlap is discovered during the review process or after both works have been published, the editor of the other journal is alerted, and the situation is considered as a severe plagiarism case. When submitting a publication that was first published in another language, the authors must identify the title, date, and journal of the original publication, as well as obtain copyright. The editor may accept such a translated publication in order to bring it to a wider audience's attention. If plagiarism is if plagiarism is discovered, E-Avishkar journal will take the following steps, depending on the severity of the plagiarism.
» The writers will be required to submit a formal apology letter to the pirated paper's authors, which will include an acknowledgment of plagiarism.
» If the paper is in the process of being submitted, it may be automatically be rejected by the Managing Editor or the Editorial board without further revisions and without any further plagiarism investigation.
» The author's institute/HOD, as well as funding agencies, will be contacted by the journal.
a) Level -1 minor / inadvertent: Written warning
b) Level -2: Blacklist the authors from future submissions
c) Level -3: Intimating to higher authorities for withholding fellowship/grant


This is to certify that the research paper titled "..................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................... ....................... ..........................." submitted for publication in E-Avishkar Journal is an outcome of my independent and original work and has not been submitted/published elsewhere. I/We have duly acknowledged all the sources from which the ideas and extracts have been taken and certify that proper citations to previous reported work have been given and no data/tables/figures have been quoted verbatim from other publications without giving due acknowledgement and without the permission of the original author(s).

Contributor Signature:
Contributor Full Name:

*Please note that each contributor must complete an individually signed agreement*

This policy has been compiled by referring to policy of reputed publishers like Elsevier, Springer, IEEE, etc

Journal Ethics Policy Journal Review Policy Journal Plagiarism Policy